We are working in the backyard. We have a few large projects going on in our house at this time.
Wish us luck! Hubby is home for a couple weeks and we are trying to tackle some projects that have been discussed for a while now.
Since I'm in a jolly mood, and my husband is Mexican. I love to throw out some Spanish phrases just to make him feel like he is really working, and not on a work break.
Eres un gran hombre fuerte, como un trabajo!
Eres un cerdo lento! Usted necesidad de trabajar más rápidamente!
Si usted trabaja duro y son buenas para mí, quizás voy a cocinar una buena comida caliente.
hmmmmmmm probably not translated correctly, and probably never would I really say anything like that to him anyway. But it could lead to an interesting afternoon.....or a fight.
But speaking of hot meals, I apparently need to make Corned Beef and Cabbage since I have denied him his favorite meal. Whatever. I just think it stinks up the house.
1 week ago
Será mejor tener cuidado! Su marido puede decir cosas que no entiendo a usted, y cuando le?
Awwww! I love that cute picture of your hubby and baby on the side!! Yall are such a cute family!! aww! Are you teaching your baby Spanish?
Well... according to freetranslation.com THIS is what it says...
"If you work hard and they are good for me, perhaps I am going to cook a good hot food"
Which sounds like Engrish. :) I think you should have yelled them out at him just to see what would have happened!
Your blogs make me laugh out loud everytime!
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