I've been a very bad blogger.
But I can honestly say I have been a bit preoccupied. So what have been the things that have driven me away from typing late into the night, spilling the beans on my life?
- Anthony's Sickness and Pee-Pee Incident
- Disneyland for Mother's Day Weekend
- LA Trip to Fabulous Fords Car Show
- Ira's Birthday
- Baby #2 rocking the Uterus so much, its making contractions way to early.
- Utter Exhaustion
Are any of those good enough excuses? Prob not, I know.
So as I sit and type this, I feel very very poopy like. Seriously. Like crap.
I'm 30 weeks preggars, and yesterday I started feeling an extreme amount of those tightening contractions, no pain, but a few of them really took my breath away.
It was mentioned to me that I looked like I had dropped, and after really looking, the Hubby and I both agree. Little boy blue has dropped down. So after getting so many contractions one after another, I called the required numbers. They had me drink lots of water and lay on my side for an hour. 2 contractions happened, not enough to warrant any fear, but they still wanted me to relax.
Cool... But then about a 1/2 hour ago I started feeling really nauseous. Ug. Was it the hamburger I had for dinner? I didn't think I overate, but possibly did I? And to boot, more cramp feeling down in the baby region.
Ug. Hopefully this just will pass. Soon.