The anesthesiologist was very nice, and gave Anth something to make him high as a kite. Laughing, blinking, and making weird tongue noises he was a happy baby when they took him back. The nurses were fighting on who got to carry him back and he was loving every second of it. Silly baby. I love him so much.
My blessing of comfort said that angels will be at his side at all times. The thought makes me tear up, but knowing that he is such a sweet little spirit he will be protected. It really was a comfort hearing those words. I hope for a speedy recovery for him. Even though he will have his moments he will be ok.
I cant wait for him to be able to sip a thick chocolate milkshake out of straw while munching on fries and a cheeseburger. That totally makes up for all this pain and misery for a short while. If we don't fix this, he wouldn't be able to speak noramlly OR even worse sip out of a straw. So Yay for milkshakes and fries!
mmmmmmmmmmmm fries!
These are pictures pre and post surgery